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March 25, 2025
Mosaic used in new rapid NICU sequencing publication
We’re excited to announce that our collaborative work with the University of Utah NeoSeq Project has been published in Nature: Genomic Medicine
June 9, 2024
Mosaic being used at the UDNI hackathon
Mosaic is being used by the UDNI to help a diverse international team collaborate on undiagnosed cases at the UDNI Hackathon in Nijmegen, the Netherlands
October 23, 2023
Frameshift Presenting at UDNI
Frameshift presenting at 12th UDNI Conference in Tbisili, Georgia.
September 18, 2023
Calypso Released to UDN
The full UDN network given access to the beta release of Calypso.
September 15, 2023
Award of Phase II SBIR from the NHGRI
We have recently been awarded a Phase II SBIR grant from the NHGRI to expand our Mosaic tool and build a cloud-based pipeline to deliver a full end-to-end bioinforamtics solution.
May 1, 2023
Frameshift included in the UDN Phase 3 Data Management Core
Phase 3 of the UDN is underway with Frameshift providing Mosaic to the network.
November 7, 2022
Using Collections to Perform Quality Control Analysis of Cohort Data
Collections allow projects to be organised together to support both quality control and general analysis at a cohort level, as well as providing project summaries and administrative support for projects.
October 28, 2022
Gene Expression Visualisation
As part of our collaboration with the University of Utah to build a data visualisation platform for the NHLBI's Cardiovascular Development Data Resource Center (CDDRC), Mosaic has demonstrated the power of visualisation in analysing gene expression data.\n
August 24, 2022
Phase I STTR Award
Frameshift has been awarded a Phase I STTR in collaboration with the Marth Laboratory at the University of Utah to improve the speed of the gene.iobio tool. As part of this development, gene.iobio will be more tightly integrated with Mosaic to provide a seamless variant interrogation platform.
July 27, 2022
Calypso Released on UDN Data
A beta release of Mosaic serving the Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN) data has been released for testing.
January 13, 2022
Clin.iobio Paper Published in Special Issue on Precision Medicine in Clinical Practice
The clin.iobio diagnostic workflow tool has been published as part of a Special Issue on Precision Medicine in Clinical Practice. This tool is available for use in Mosaic.
October 22, 2021
Gene.iobio Paper Published in Nature Scientific Reports
We are proud to announce that the gene.iobio paper has been published in Nature Scientific Reports. This tool has been developed at the University of Utah, with significant contribution from Frameshift co-founders.
July 29, 2021
Using Charts and Colour to Explore Attributes
The Mosaic platform continues to grow, with new features and analysis capabilities to support genomic data projects. We recently made some big upgrades to Mosaic's data visualizations that make exploring your data far more rewarding.\n
May 27, 2020
Announce Collaboration with the University of Utah
We are excited to announce the development of a visual genomic data portal to support the University of Utah.
March 20, 2020
How Mosaic Offers Free Unlimited Genomic Samples
Mosaic lets users upload as many genomic samples (BAM, VCF) as you like. Here is how we manage that without incurring prohbitively huge costs.
January 29, 2020
Deeply Integrating Visualization in Genomics
In this blog post I will go over 2 areas during the genomic analysis/investigation where visualization can have a significant impact.
February 27, 2019
SFARI Viewer Release
A new online tool that lets researchers to visualize, explore and analyze SFARI genomic and phenotypic data in real-time, has been launched.
August 1, 2018
Announce Collaboration with SFARI
Frameshift Labs is now in collaboration with the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative.
May 4, 2018
Award of Phase II SBIR
Frameshift Genomics has been awarded a Phase II SBIR grant from NHGRI to pursue development of a genomic data management and exploration platform.
August 25, 2017
Awarded Two SBIR/STTR Grants
Frameshift Genomics has recently been awarded two grants from the NHGRI, a phase I STTR and a phase I SBIR. In collaboration with the Marth Lab at the University of Utah, these grants aim to improve the IOBIO real-time genomic visualization and analysis project.
February 20, 2017
I-Corps Accelerator
Frameshift Genomics has been accepted into the NIH I-Corps accelerator, which is an 8 week accelerator, providing SBIR/STTR awardees with access to a team of bio-tech entrepreneurial experts with proven track records.
September 29, 2016
Frameshift Genomics has been awarded a STTR with the Marth Lab to improve IOBIO - a real-time genomic visualization and analysis project.