Frameshift included in the UDN Phase 3 Data Management Core
Phase 3 of the Undiagnosed Diseases Project (UDN), titled "Diagnosing the Unknown for Care and Advancing Science (DUCAS)" officially began in April of 2023 led by Harvard Medical School (HMS). This 5-year grant aims to "create sustainable, nationally scaled infrastructure to support diagnosis, research, and care for those who are undiagnosed."
In coolaboration with the University of Alabama and the University of Utah, Frameshift was selected to be a part of the Data Management Core of this Phase 3 grant and will be working closely with genomics, AI, and clinical experts from across the UDN to achieve the UDNs goals. Mosaic (as part of the Calypso platform) will be used by the UDN clinical sites to promote data sharing and collaborative analysis of UDN cases. We will be also be working closely with HMS, the clinical sites and other collaborators to provide tools for UDN participants and families.
The UDN is a fantastic project that is achieving results for patients with rare and undiagnosed diseases and we are extremely proud to be a part of the future of this program.