Projects Table


Projects table

View, sort and search projects

After logging into Mosaic, the user's projects are shown in the projects table.

  • Clicking on a project will navigate to the project overview
  • Private projects are shown in the "Your Projects" table while the "All Projects" table contains joinable public projects
  • Search projects using the search input
  • Many columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order. Click the column header to toggle sort.
  • Collections are distinguished with a different color. Filter to only projects or collections using the checkboxes next to the search bar.

Table Actions

Selectable project checkboxes activate the project "Actions" button.

  • Starring a project will bump it to the top rows of the table for easy access
  • Merge multiple projects into a Collection
  • Manage a collection's projects

Editing Columns

The table view is customizable using the "Edit Columns" button.

  • The default table columns can be toggled and reordered
  • Custom project attributes can be added as table columns